Understanding animal breeding

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Breeding methods

Breeding can be achieved through natural service or artificial insemination, and irrespective of the method, the aim should be to achieve increased chances of conception.

Natural mating vs artificial insemination

 Natural service: 

This is where the cow is taken to a bull and left for some time for the bull to serve.


• The cow has an opportunity to be served more than once; this increase the chance of conception.
• The semen is fresh and of good quality since there is no handling.
• Where the farmer does not own a bull, cost of service is lower compared to A.I.


• Rearing a bull is not economical especially to a small holder farmer 
• There is risk of spreading breeding diseases. 
• There is risk of inbreeding if the bull is not changed frequently 
• There is no opportunity to select the type of bull the farmer wants. 

How to increase the chances of conception through natural service: 

• Take the cow to the bull as soon as it is detected to be in heat and leave it for at least twelve hours. 
• Young inexperienced heifers should be mated with old experienced bulls. 
• Young inexperienced bulls should be given to old experienced cows. 
• The bull should be kept fit and in good health particularly the legs and feet. 

Natural mating can be done in two ways: 

  • Free/pasture mating

This method of mating is practiced by farmers who own bulls which run full time with the cows. One bull can serve 20-25 cows. 
Advantage: no heat detection required 
Disadvantage: lack of accurate records and possibility of transmission of reproductive diseases e.g. brucellosis. 

  • Hand mating 

The bull is enclosed in it's pen and the cows are brought in when they show signs of heat. Most small-scale farmers will practice this method since bulls are owned by few farmers and others bring their cows for service at an agreed fee. 
The advantage is keeping accurate records. 
The disadvantage is the farmer has to detect heat. 

Artificial Insemination 

Artificial Insemination popularly referred to as AI is one of the breeding methods that has contributed to the development of the dairy sector in the last sixty years in Kenya and also worldwide. 
The process of artificial insemination starts with a healthy bull, that is disease free and producing enough quantities of high quality semen. 
The fertility of the cow is also important, the competency of the inseminator and a clean environment. 
Farmers are encouraged to use semen from proven bulls which is obtained from AI centres and registered service providers. 

Benefits of Artificial Insemination 

1. Prevention of venereal diseases 
2. Indefinite preservation of genetic materials of low cost enabling wide testing and selection of bulls 3. Enhances genetic progress as best bulls are used widely nationally and internationally 
4. Small scale farmers through AI can access good bulls cheaply 
5. One is able to select the bull of interest. 
6. When handled properly, there is no chance of spread of breeding diseases. 
7. It is easy to control inbreeding. 
8. A.I. is the best method of improving the genetic make-up of local breeds because it enables semen from the very best bulls to be widely available. 
9. It is cost effective since the farmer does not have to rear a bull. 

Disadvantages of AI 

1. It requires very accurate heat detection and proper timing of insemination for greater chances of       conception. 
2. The inseminator must be trained on the technique. 
3. It requires high investment in equipment. 


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